Page 103 - ภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเจ้าหน้าที่สำนักงาน
P. 103
Working with Foreigners 3-93
แบบประเมนิ ผ ลต นเองห ลงั เรยี น
I Choose the best alternative.
1. A: Jitra, can you ask khun Winai to come into my off ice right now, please?
a. No, of course not.
b. Don’t you know that he’s in the MD’s off ice?
c. I’m sorry, but he’s in the MD’s off ice at the moment.
d. No, I won’t. He’s in the MD’s off ice.
2. A: Haven’t you shipped the products to our overseas customers?
a. Yes, I shipped.
b. No, I haven’t.
c. No, I didn’t ship.
d. Yes, I haven’t.
3. Wanee must see a dentist in the afternoon, so she is asking her boss for permission to
take half a day off. What does she say?
a. Would you mind having this afternoon off?
b. May I take off?
c. Would you mind if I left early today?
d. Shall I take half a day off?
4. A: Have you sent our agents the details of our new product?
a. I will.
b. I must have.
c. I sent.
d. I did that this morning.
5. A:
B: Can you?
a. Would you like me to retype this letter?
b. Did I retype this letter?
c. May I retype this letter?
d. Would you retype this letter?