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P. 18

3-8 ภาษาอ​ ังกฤษ​สำ�หรับเ​จ้าห​ น้าที่​สำ�นักงาน

เรอ่ื ง​ท่ี 3.1.1
Working with a Demanding Boss

Situation 1
P eter Wright, the Sales Manager of Sukhothai Trading Company is speaking to his

secretary, Jongkol Mangmee. Listen to the following dialog and f ill in the blanks

with the missing words.

	Mr. Wright:	 Jongkol, 1)                         to UP Company?

	 Jongkol:	 Oh, yes. I did that the f irst thing this morning.

	Mr. Wright:	Great. 2)                           the information on our competitors’ prices,


	 Jongkol:	 3)                          , Mr. Wright. I haven’t done that yet.

	Mr.Wright:	 You haven’t done it yet?

	 Jongkol:	 Yes, I… 4)                             , I haven’t done it yet.

	Mr. Wright:	 5)                                  now, please?

	 Jongkol:	Er… yes, 6)                           to f inish the sales report which you

             wanted this morning.

	Mr. Wright:	Yes, that’s right. Can you f inish it soon? And please bring it in as soon as it’s


	 Jongkol:	 7)                                                                .
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