Page 22 - ภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเจ้าหน้าที่สำนักงาน
P. 22

3-12 ภาษาอ​ ังกฤษส​ ำ�หรับ​เจ้าห​ น้าที่ส​ ำ�นักงาน

4.	 A:	 Have you informed our agents of the new price rate.
	 B:	 Oh, yes. I did that the day before yesterday.
	 A:	 Great.
5.	 A:	 Have you f illed out the form?
	 B:	 Oh, yes. I did that two hours ago.
	 A:	 Fine.

B. 	Listen and respond
	 Listen to each question and use the cue given in your response.

	CD:	 Have you sent our brochure to UP Company?
	You:	 (f irst thing this morning)
(You must say: I did that f irst thing this morning.)
	CD:		 Great.
1. 	 CD:	 Have you typed the report?
	 You:	 (before lunch)
	 CD:	 Fine.
2.	 CD:	 Have you sent Mr. Jones the bill?
	 You:	 (yesterday afternoon)
	 CD:	 Great.
3. 	 CD:	 Have you worked out the shipping document?
	 You:	 (the day before yesterday)
	 CD:	 Good.
4.	 CD:	 Have you sent the contract to our customers?
	 You:	 (before noon)
	 CD:	 Great.
5.	 CD:	 Have you made an appointment for me to see Mr. Lui?
	 You:	 (as soon as I arrived)
	 CD:	 Fine.
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