Page 24 - ภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเจ้าหน้าที่สำนักงาน
P. 24

3-14 ภาษา​อังกฤษส​ ำ�หรับเ​จ้า​หน้าที่ส​ ำ�นักงาน

Activity 4 Speaking Practice
A. 	Liten and repeat
1.	 A:	 Haven’t you called our agents?
	 B:	 Yes, I have. I called them an hour ago.
2.	 A:	 Haven’t you made a copy of this document?
	 B:	 Yes, I have. I did that this morning.
3.	 A:	 Haven’t you sent a telex to our agent in Singapore?
	 B:	 Yes, I have. I did that yesterday.
4.	 A:	 Haven’t you told our customer about the new product?
	 B:	 Yes, I have. I told him the day before.

B. 	Listen and repeat
1.	 A:	 Haven’t you sent Yota Company our new brochure?
	 B:	 No, I haven’t. I’ll do it before lunch.
2.	 A:	 Haven’t you placed an order for a printer?
	 B:	 No, I haven’t. I’ll do that this afternoon.
3.	 A:	 Haven’t you conf irmed the booking?
	 B:	 No, I haven’t. I’ll do it right now.
4.	 A:	 Haven’t you copied the document?
	 B:	 No, I haven’t. I’ll do that as soon as I f inish this letter.

C. 	Listen and respond
	 Listen to each question and read the cue and give a positive or negative response.

1. 		 CD:	 Haven’t you rung the bank?
		You:	 (Yes/as soon as I arrived)
	 (You say: Yes, I have. I did that as soon as I arrived.)
2. 	 CD:		 Haven’t you sent the letter?
		You:	 (No/before I go out)
	 (You say: No, I haven’t. I’ll do it before I go out.)
1. 		 CD:	 Haven’t you checked the rate of exchange?
		You:	 (Yes/before I came in here.)
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