Page 58 - ภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเจ้าหน้าที่สำนักงาน
P. 58

3-48 ภาษาอ​ ังกฤษ​สำ�หรับเ​จ้า​หน้าที่​สำ�นักงาน

B. 	Listen and respond
	You will hear a voice naming a thing or two: When you hear the sound (BING), you must

   make an offer.

		 CD:	 tea/coffee
(You say:	 Would you like coffee or tea?)
		 CD:	 Tea, please. Thanks.
1. 		 CD:	 water/soft drink
		 CD:	 Water, please. Thank you.
2.		 CD:	 a drink
		 CD:	 Only if it’s not too much trouble for you.
3.		 CD:	 cigarette/cigar
		 CD:	 A cigar, please.
4.		 CD:	 a piece of cake
		 CD:	 Yes, please. Thank you.

Activity 23 Listening Comprehension

      Mr. Smith is a representative from the Head Off ice in Los Angeles. The receptionist
is introducing him to Khun Wiyada, the Executive Secretary.

      Listen to the dialog and do the exercise below. Write True or False in front of each

     	 1. 	 The receptionist introduces Mr. Smith and Khun Wiyada to each other.
     	 2. 	 Khun Wiyada is taking Mr. Smith to the meeting room.
     	 3. 	 Mr. Smith’s plane was delayed for some time.
     	 4. 	 Mr. Smith enjoyed his journey.
     	 5. 	 It is the rainy season and Mr. Smith f inds the weather rather uncomfortable.
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