Page 60 - ภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเจ้าหน้าที่สำนักงาน
P. 60
3-50 ภาษาอ ังกฤษส ำ�หรับเจ้าห น้าที่ส ำ�นักงาน
เร่อื งที่ 3.2.2
An Orientation
Situation 5
Afternoon: Mr. Goodman has arrived at STC. He is now with Khun Wiyada. She is
giving him a brief orientation about the company before he has a meeting with the
members of the board. Listen to the dialog and f ill in the blanks with the missing
Wiyada: How do you f ind the hotel?
Mr. Goodman: Very nice and comfortable. The people there are very friendly.
Wiyada: I’m glad to hear that you like it. …By the way,
1) a cup of coffee?
Mr. Goodman: No, thank you. I just had one.
Wiyada: Here’s your f ile, Mr. Goodman. You’ll f ind all the necessary information in
it. We still have a lot of time before the meeting, so 2)
give you a brief description of our company.
Mr. Goodman: That will be very helpful indeed. Thanks.