Page 81 - ภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเจ้าหน้าที่สำนักงาน
P. 81

Working with Foreigners 3-71

เรอ่ื งท​ ี่ 3.3.1
Showing the Customer Around

Situation 7
		Today Allen Rider, a representative of a f irm in the Philippines is visiting STC. He

             has come to negotiate with the STC Sales Manager to act as a sole agent to

             handle the plastic products of STC in the Philippines. At present Pluenjai Jaisamarn,

             a Sales Representative of the company, is showing him around the showroom.

		 Listen to the dialog and f ill in the blanks with the missing words.

	 Pluenjai: 	We 1)                        of plastic products. All of them are displayed

             in this showroom. We have exported them to several different Asian countries

             so far.

	Mr. Rider:	I see. I can recognize this set of kitchenware. A friend of mine in the Philippines

             said that he had bought it in Hong Kong.

	 Pluenjai:	Our kitchenware has been 2)                                in Asia.

             3) durable, non-toxic plastic. 4)

             in various sizes and shapes to suit a variety of uses.

	Mr. Rider:	 And each set consists of different sizes.

	 Pluenjai:	Yes. There are f ive to six sizes in each set. This is to save storage space when

             they are not in use.

	Mr. Rider:	 5)                                                                          ?

	 Pluenjai:	This is the blue set. 6)                                4 colors altogether

             blue, pink, green and white.
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